I found Secret London Runs via Twitter and was immediately interested by their quick and personal response to my enquiry. After a couple of well answered questions, my friends and I decided to make the trip from Chelmsford to Southwark, London to help discover who murdered the Bishop of Winchester.
We had an excellent and very friendly welcome at the Boot & Flogger from Amy and cohorts, and were immediately swept up in the brilliantly fun experience. Participants could run or walk the course and were given clues and suspects to interview along the route.
Along with memorable views along the river and of the spectacular south London architecture, we also discovered some interesting facts about the area that we had no idea about before... Who knew that you could be absolved of any crime committed in London if you remained hidden in the area for a year! (We are talking 1500 ish here, not present day, just in case anyone thinks that they can get away with robbing a bank or something!)
Anyway, the route was easy enough to just work up a good head of steam with a brisk walk and difficult enough that you would break a good sweat if you ran it. The solving of the crime with the different characters involved added to all the fun and we returned to the Boot & Flogger for a well-deserved drink an hour and twenty minutes later.
All in all it was a great fun exercise experience that I would love to do again. With the excellent organization and connections into London from Essex, this was a superb night out! And it has given me some great ideas to include in my next Regency!
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